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Dan Snowberger
Position: Staff reporter

Athletics add key elements to student growth

As I shared last month, our district has been reflecting on ways to further support the development of our students beyond academics. While academic achievement is a key focus, ...

Character key to successful education

We’ve started the school year with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. As I’ve often shared, the work our staff is engaged in is so much more than simply having kids enjoy school. W...

District to share challenges of school funding

As many of you know, public school funding has faced huge cuts during the recent recession. Durango School District has faced years of cuts in staff and programs because of this...

Divisiveness stymies reform on assessments

As I continue to watch a variety of legislative issues that impact education in Colorado repeatedly grind the wheels of progress to a halt, it’s clear the political path is not for me. ...

Social media provides venue for bullying

Our children today are faced with so many pressures that we, as adults, didn’t experience as students years ago. In addition to achievement expectations driven by mandates from ...

Upcoming tests important for kids, schools

This year, the state of Colorado begins a new assessment program to provide comparable data about schools across our state. This battery of tests, called Colorado Measures of Ac...

Our changes aim to benefit all students

In the past month, some misinformation has circulated about the district’s efforts to develop and implement a formative assessment system to measure student learning and target critical achi...

Our district needs a few good people

Last month, I reflected on the outstanding teaching staff members we are fortunate to have here in Durango. We’ve been fortunate to attract some of the best and brightest educato...

Our teachers deserve to be celebrated

Durango School District 9-R is fortunate to have one of the highest quality staffs I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. I am still of the belief that we as a society must re...

Charter school would help young students, district

Many of you are aware that a local community group has been in the process of developing an elementary charter application that was officially received by Durango School District 9-R on Oct....

National debate about testing misses key point

These are clearly interesting times in public education. Our systems continue to be the focus of national debate, most recently centered on testing and standards. Are we testing...

School Vault a critical tool for student learning

Recently, School Vault, a tool to support teacher and student academic success developed by Durango and Bayfield school districts, has been mentioned in articles and editorials. ...